No, this is not the case even if reading the test you can see how the 29 "has many advantages. In the test we made objective evaluations and we are convinced that an average biker prefers the 29 "(please, let's not stop at prejudices: let's try it and then evaluate) while the 650B is suitable for more technical bikers who can make up for the smaller wheel with the their driving technique (think of any obstacles / rocks), so as to have all the advantages of the case in the most tortuous sections and in the relaunches, an aspect where the 650B is superior. Generally speaking, I see the 650B more as a race bike while the 29 "more from technical excursions even if, given to a biker with a good handle, it can become a lethal weapon, given that the geometric dimensions are improving year after year. Big wheels no longer have to scare us, we have to make them friends because they will see more and more of them.
Read the complete test (# 60 January 2017).