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VICTORY TIRES test for E-bikes

e-Barzo, e-Agarro, e-Martello and e-Mazza: this is the new range for e-bikes produced by Vittoria.

Vittoria tire test for e-bikes

Vittoria presents a new line of graphene tires dedicated to electric mountain bikes.

The new range of Vittoria e-MTB tires features Vittoria's most popular mountain treads and the most advanced compounds - 4C and Graphene 2.0 -.

NOTE: in the video we used Emanuele Tonoli of the Bottecchia Factory Team as an image man who used his “muscular” model but of course we did the test with an e-bike, more precisely Cannondale Habit Neo 2.

Fragment of the video test during the explanation of the technical characteristics
The CANNONDALE Habit we used to put the Vittoria covers to the test

We have received the 4 tires in the range that declare excellent results in terms of battery life and consumption, without compromising grip and reliability.

The 4 compound technologies (4C) and Graphene 2.0 are the result of the constant search for ever better performance; But that is not all. These technologies demonstrate clear advantages when applied to e-MTBs, where tire efficiency and durability are key.

Vittoria's e-bike range takes its cue from the most popular models, as regards the design, and then strengthens the structure thanks to the use of compounds reinforced by graphene. Vittoria's new e-MTB range covers all types of use: from XC to Enduro.


carcass tires victory

Graphene derives from graphite and in version 2.0 Vittoria uses a greater quantity of it with the aim of improving the properties of the tires even more.

Used as an additive, graphene acts as a magnet creating a bond with the rubber molecules that holds them closer together. 4C technology is the layering process that allows you to place 4 different compounds in the same tread. All to have durability and grip at the same time.

mix 4c win

We find "deep" compounds that give stability and stiffness on the corner and greater durability while on a more superficial level the characteristics that emerge are grip and comfort.


emanuele tonoli bottecchia factory team
Our special guest Emanuele Tonoli of the Bottecchia Factory Team

We had the opportunity to test all the models of the e-bike range in 29 ”format. Vittoria tires are making more and more inroads among enthusiasts given the commitment of the prestigious brand which has the Italian headquarters in Brembate (BG), the main headquarters for Europe. All tires have a high value of TPI (Tread (thread) Per (per) Inch (inch): 120. But what is TPI? Broadly speaking, the lower the number of TPIs, the stiffer the rubber is (ideal for FR - DH uses), while if the TPI is high it means that there is a denser weft of the threads and therefore the rubber will be more flexible and suitable for XC uses. How many more threads are integrated into the rubber of the carcass , the less the amount of rubber needed to fill the spaces between the threads themselves, resulting in a smoother rubber since, since there is less rubber, the energy is less dissipated during the deformation of the rubber itself.

The splendid areas of Monte Calamita (Elba Island)

It must be said that many brands have tires with these characteristics in their catalog, it is not new, but it should be noted that in the Vittoria catalog we do not find tires with a lower TPI so the path chosen is clear. In our test that lasted a good 3 months, we were able to put the entire E range of Vittoria to the test, using a little of all the models both at the front and at the rear.

Another important aspect, the excellent build quality: we were able to mount all the tires very easily using a specific double chamber pump without the use of a compressor.


victory e-mazza

The e-Mazza has impressed us positively both at the front and at the rear, giving the bike stability and precision: surely something smoother at the rear would be preferable but it must be said that it depends a lot on the paths where we turn and often a tire of substance at the rear, we are talking about e-bikes, it has its why. Mazza has a well-defined tessellation centrally with a symmetrical row and a U-shaped row. We find notches on the knobs (in the direction of rotation) that allow the tire to roll quickly in changes of direction and to "bite" the ground at low speeds . The large gaps in the central part of the tread provide braking traction and promote self-cleaning of mud and debris.

Tonoli, on his muscular front, uses Barzo on the front and Mezcal on the rear

When cornering, the goal of the progressive grooves of the blocks (Vittoria's proprietary technology) is to find more grip. The 'user-friendly' feeling of this tire is pleasant: as soon as it is mounted it is immediately intuitive and offers a lot of grip without limiting too much smoothness. When cornering, it has no dead spots and the rounded section leads us to reach the side knobs evenly, even if a bit of aggression is lacking in case of marked bends or very aggressive driving (the soft side knobs adapt well to the ground but then there is a bit of "stubbornness" to stay in position).

An excellent tire for the most rocky and compact tracks while, in mud conditions, it does not excel (not being specific for this use) but remains acceptable and worthily completes its job. A rubber with a fairly rounded design that we like for the excellent feeling of comfort it gives. Good from the point of view of braking even if, we had to choose between front and rear, the e-Mazza will certainly fall at the front. Suitable for enduro use.

e-club price list


victory e-hammer

The e-Martello is a tire that, in the e-bike field but also in other areas, can be used both at the rear and at the front to give the bike different sensations. The blocks are not abnormal and have a fairly close and squared design: one row is symmetrical while the other has a V-shaped design. Its aggressive but not extreme design is well suited to all-mountain use. The e-Martello does not have a very large lateral grip being quite square and having side notches that do not bite enough in case of aggressive use, but it impressed us for its smoothness and for the excellent sensations at the rear: a well-drivable tire and predictable at the rear that allows us to direct it where we want without forcing it too much. At the rear I prefer tires that do not stick too much to the ground so as to be easily steered and that do not stick to the ground when you need to tail or make quick and sudden changes of direction… and the Hammer is right for this case. At the front it does not give an immense confidence compared to other specific Enduro tires but the greatest value is an excellent transition in all its angle that gives us the clear feeling of when the point of no return is coming. Excellent smoothness for a tire that does not, however, leave the grip aside.

e-hammer price list


victory e-barzo

The e-Barzo is a tire for more cross-country use given the uniform tread pattern and not too pronounced knobs: the central part is formed by alternating knobs that never form a continuous line (in order to read the underlying terrain well) but, above all, to safeguard smoothness. Like every Vittoria tire, the transition between central knobs and external knobs (the latter slightly more marked to favor grip when cornering) is excellent and does not present empty phases. Smoothness is at the highest levels and on compact terrain it also allows for excellent bends. It suffers on hard terrain given the not very pronounced knobs which, in a slightly more intense use, enter into crisis and you have to be a little more on your guard.

Tonoli uses the traditional Barzo model on the front (not for e-bikes of course)

The square design gives confidence in cornering and allows you to keep the trajectory well. The behavior is good even in mud without prejudice to the not too pronounced knobs which, in the case of extreme mud, cannot find the necessary grip.

Perhaps the e-Barzo is the tire that surprised us the most: I would mount it without thinking about it on my muscle bike. On the electric bike, on the other hand, I prefer tires with more grip so as not to find a tire with little grip at the front and a tire that slips at the rear. I see it very suitable for beginner bikers who do not see the primary objective of their ride in the descent.

e-barzo price list


victory e-agarro

The e-Agarro takes its cue from the Martello for the conformation of the blocks presenting a symmetrical row and a V-shaped one, even if in the Agarro we find an extra piece being less marked and closer together. A less Enduro but more all-mountain tire. Here too we find notches on the blocks to give greater directionality and grip.

Vittoria's tire can be defined as a Trail product, that is, those very versatile tires that manage to be good in any situation. We used it at the rear and also at the front and it has characteristics that are never below sufficiency: on loose terrains it keeps the line well and the soft lugs grip the ground well. On rocky soils it does not enter into crisis given that in any case the piece is more marked, for example, than e-Barzo. On the mud it unloads well and, even in fairly extreme conditions, it does not abandon us totally. All these features can be carried on a par with the front too. The only note is, in fact, the fact that it is not an extreme tire and therefore is less suitable for an Enduro competitive use or for those who want to get the best downhill time. An excellent ally for those who do not use the e-bike in a competitive way and the kom is not the main aspect of their bike ride (for those who do not know what a kom is, see strava).

e-agarro price list


The Vittoria range proves to be mature: very versatile tires with a very high quality/price ratio. The quality is excellent and, even with the finished tyre, the structure stays in place without the problem of the knobs crumbling. Durability is slightly higher than other soft compounds from other brands. Tires recommended for most bikers given the wide range available which covers almost all types of riding.

Written by

[email protected] I am a fan of everything that has 2 wheels: at a young age I practiced road and track cycling (Italian Allievi champion). At the age of 18 I passed into the cross country competing at national/international level as an Under23. Past Elite, I made the choice to take things more lightly from a training point of view, and my love for gravity disciplines was born, training me as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made passion my profession by managing 2 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Bike Center Elba and Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


AB Santa Cruz Vittoria Gravity Team is born with Mirco Vendemmia

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