The IMBA Gathering 2024 lands on the island of Elba!
The island of Elba will welcome MTB and trail enthusiasts next 26/27 October in the evocative setting of Mount...
CONTACT US (editorial board)
The island of Elba will welcome MTB and trail enthusiasts next 26/27 October in the evocative setting of Mount...
IMBA Italia will present a portal dedicated to associations at the annual IMBA Gathering in Imér on 21/22 October.
Here is the calendar of events and courses where the IMBA Italia staff will be busy during the year which started from...
IMBA Italia is pleased to announce the location that will host the “IMBA Italia ...
The first summer weekend opens in the sign of two wheels in Val di Sole.
The Commezzadura Bike Park will offer the first extraordinary opening weekend from 2 to 5 June, coinciding with ...
The dry answer: Today yes, tomorrow no. The answer in a tweet: Doing unauthorized trail building work is ...