Launch of the “Decade” photo book to celebrate 10 years of the Enduro World Series
The EWS in partnership with Missspent Summers is launching a new photo book documenting every EWS race since 2013.
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The EWS in partnership with Missspent Summers is launching a new photo book documenting every EWS race since 2013.
Interview with the Italian Enduro champion who tells us how he started and how his career is progressing. He has us ...
Testing one of the prizes of the Fanta MTB competition, the Proframe Matte Black helmet by Fox.
Waiting for the start of the new racing season, let's relive the highlights of the one that has just ended together.
The international enduro will be affected by several changes, the first and most obvious will be the change of denomination.
Enjoy the highlights of Jesse Melamed's winning season
The fast Frenchwoman has been one step away from the overall EWS title for two consecutive years, a remarkable series of…
Jack Moir started the 2022 Enduro World Series as defending champion after a spectacular run of results the previous year,…
Entries for the first two stages of the Enduro Word Series in Tasmania will open on 30 January, 25 and…
The international season ends with the Enduro of the Nations of the Final. It's time to do an analysis of the competitive situation ...
The results of the Nations Trophy held in Finale Ligure on the weekend of October 2nd: New Zealand and France win ...
The world enduro circuit ended with the French stage. While waiting to see what will happen at the 'Nations' of Finale ...
Enduro World Series: Jesse Melamed and Isabeau Courdurier are the 2022 Enduro World Champions.
The EWS race in Loudenvielle, final stage, is over. Here are the final results. Too bad for Sophie Riva (U21).
Before the full day tomorrow, here are the results from the usual Saturday Pro Stage.
The journey of the Enduro World Series continues through the territory of the Finale Outdoor Region, the 2022 routes are ready.
The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) and ESO Sports are thrilled to report that Loudenvielle will complete the calendar ...
The last block of races of the Enduro World Series (EWS) 2022 kicks off this weekend (16/18 September) in Switzerland with the EWS ...
Interview from the official Enduro World Series channel (in English) to Sam Hill, who was one of the ...
After 7 rounds in 6 countries and 2 continents, the 2022 Enduro World Series season will come to an end ...
Victory for the most fit of the moment, namely the 2021 ruler Jack Moir and the French Isabeau ...
The results have arrived from the PRO Stage in Crans Montana, the penultimate stage of the Enduro World Series.
Commencal rider Gautier Wendling comes out unscathed from a crash that could have been much more serious.
In the next round of EWS in Switzerland, the world champion Valentina Holl will be presented.
A few days to the start of the penultimate stage of the Enduro Word Series, here are the impressions of the protagonists in this video.
The last block of races of the Enduro World Series (EWS) 2022 kicks off this weekend (16/18 September) in Switzerland with the EWS ...
Headquartered in the heart of UK mountain biking in Scotland's Tweed Valley, ESO Sports ...
A territory where tourism development is tackled with business methods and with the help of professionals in every sector.
Adrenaline-pumped women: the female Gravity world is increasingly tinged with pink.
The summary video of Sugarloaf's EWS stage in America which saw the victory of Jesse Melamed and Isabeau ...
Good tests from the Italians in the 6th EWS stage in America. Among the Elite, victory for Jesse Melamed and Isabeau Courdurier.
Charismatic EWS frontman Sugarloaf might be a true mountain bike king, but deep down he's just ...
Wet test day in Sugarloaf for the sixth stage of the enduro word series: a lot of mud expected.
20 and 21 August: The best enduro athletes in the world move from Burke to Sugarloaf, in the American continent, for the ...
The EWS of Burke (USA) gave a lot of show: fight between the sacred monsters of enduro in the male field. Space for ...
Burke's Enduro World Series saw perhaps the most prestigious order of arrival in history: in the first 3 places ...
In one second and 8 tenths we find Jack Moir, Jessse Melamed and Richie Rude: what a show on the Pro Stage! Between...
The fifth stage of EWS arrives in Burke (America) on 13 and 14 August.
The 2023 international calendar unveiled: Three Italian locations present, Finale Ligure and Val di Fassa for enduro and ...
Whistler is the home race of the Rocky mountain team. An appointment that its members have particularly felt.
Jesse Melamed shows us how to win, for the umpteenth time, a PRO Stage at the Enduro World Series. Stick to the chair!
13 and 14 August: The best enduro athletes in the world move from Whistler to Burke, from Canada to America, to ...
Whistler's EWS gave a lot of show: fight between the sacred monsters of enduro in the men's field. Space for video ...
Jesse Melamed (Rocky Mountain) wins the race ahead of Jack Moir (Canyon) and Remi Gauvier (Rocky Mountain) Among women ...
Ella Conolly has had a roller coaster season so far in 2022. By winning the opening round at home, climbing ...
This weekend the enduro word series starts again. It does so from one of the most iconic mountain biking locations, namely Whistler
6/7 August: The best enduro athletes in the world arrive in America and precisely in the "mecca" of every biker, that is to say ...
Behind the scenes video of Team Orbea about this first part of the Enduro World Series season.
Iago Garay is a rider who has been attending the ews since 2013, let's see how he managed to keep the enthusiasm for all of these ...