BCA HighTech Performance Brakes: Exceptional and Made in Italy
We put the complete braking system from the Italian company BCA Performance to the test. The high build quality and attention to detail also translate into...
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We put the complete braking system from the Italian company BCA Performance to the test. The high build quality and attention to detail also translate into...
Nice chat with Andrea Brioschi, the person behind the research and development of the Italian High Tech brand BCA Performance.
The answer seems obvious: 2 pistons for XC and 4 pistons for Enduro/DH. But some brands are churning out top products...
Can placing the bike vertically cause various types of problems? For example bringing air bubbles into the brake system?
In MTB, discs that vary in thickness from 1.9mm to 2.2mm are normally used. But there are also excesses,...
SRAM presents the new brakes for the Gravity Maven, tested all last year by Jesse Melamed, PRO Enduro.
4-piston brake for Gravity disciplines: here comes Maven, successor to the Code, which uses mineral oil instead...
DOT Oil and Mineral Oil, 2 systems used by the 2 main competitors in the cycling world, namely SHIMANO...
We tested the brake discs from the Italian company BCA Performance. Is all this quality also reflected in the performances? Space for testing.
Have you been riding your bike for a year and have never thought about changing the pads? Bad! Let's go to...
Here's how to clean the brake discs of our MTB: but this tutorial applies to any disc brake on the...
It happens: spray oil on the chain and the pads get dirty. Or a small contamination that then spreads...
Oh yes, even records have a shelf life. But a lot depends on how much you brake. Let's delve deeper into the topic.
When do you understand that your disc brake pads are finished? Here is the tutorial for you.
Changing the brake pads is very important: here is the tutorial to stop having problems.
Why prefer one material over another? Here are the strengths and weaknesses of all types of brake pads...
Have you ever wondered how to position the brake lever on an MTB? It may seem silly but, if positioned incorrectly,...
I took the liberty of looking for the etymology of the word "brake"; and I found that it comes from the Latin, from the theme ...