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VIDEO – Orbea Factory Team Season Recap 2023

David Campos, Pierre de Froidmont, Anne Tauber and Luca Martin. These are the visible faces of the Orbea Factory Team.

They are the ones who stand on the podium, who steal the spotlight on the starting line and who work every day to be the best version of themselves when they wear the bib. 

But you are less likely to know Pierre Lebreton, François-Xavier Durand, Andres Garcia or Andrej Vrcon… They are just part of the larger staff of the Orbea Factory Team.

Following the Orbea Factory Team during an entire World Cup season allows us to discover how a team lives from the inside. The intense preparation that leads to competing at the maximum in the 20 minutes of a Short Track or in the 90 minutes of an XCO race. 

Preparation days at home, long journeys and hours and hours of work on each circuit. It allows us to see that behind every athlete there is a person with their ups and downs and that, despite appearances, MTB is not an individual sport.

This was the debut year of Oquo wheels in the World Cup. It was confirmation that, even in the most demanding environments, they are a guarantee of reliability.

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