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Fear Peter Sagan in MTB: Tachycardia over 200 beats during the race

Tachycardia during the race for the Slovakian. Never reached similar levels in his career. Hospitalized in Ancona: he will undergo an ablation.

peter sagan

Fear in Spain for Peter Sagan atinternational event in Valencia: the heart rate exceeds 200 beats per minute, something that has never happened before in the Slovakian's career given that it has always hovered around 190 beats.

His technician, Patxi Vila, decides to examine the data and immediately recommend an inspection. Peter Sagan immediately turns to Dr. Roberto Corsetti, a cardiologist, who he has known since he was a new professional at Liquigas. An Italian excellence with its B&B Medical Center in Imola.

Peter Sagan Abu Dhabi 2024
Photos @shotmotion_ph / @heroabudhabi.hudayriyat

The recorded data are then analysed: cardio and pedal power, with a subsequent series of clinical and instrumental checks. There is also room for a maximal exercise test on the cycle ergometer, repeated several times. All to see how the heart reacts. And here's the surprise: the values ​​clearly indicate the sudden onset of tachycardia episodes. All at high levels of effort and high ventricular response.

Peter Sagan 2012
Peter Sagan 2012 – new road professional at Liquigas, period in which he met doctor Corsetti

Hence the decision to intervene with an operation at the Lancisi university hospital in Ancona, where he will be subjected to a heart ablation, an invasive operation, to verify the electrical impulses, in the cardiology and arrhythmology department directed by Professor Antonio Dello Russo with the presence of Dr. Corsetti himself. It does not seem that this operation could compromise Peter's competitive future, but we await more details. Come on Peter!


Sagan is fine.

Written by

[email protected] I am passionate about everything that has 2 wheels: in my youth I practiced competitive cycling on the road and on the track with good results. At the age of 18 I moved to cross country competing at national/international level as U23. Once I passed Elite, I made the choice to take things easier from the training point of view, and that's how my love for gravity disciplines was born, training as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made my passion my profession by managing 3 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way, everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube 'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


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