In ancient times there were horses that pushed chariots, at the end of the 800th century people were afraid of electricity and saw it as a mortal enemy that they did not want to keep at home. Times have changed now. And you, do you still have a fixed seatpost? I'll take care of making you change your mind.
The 10 reasons why you SHOULD use a telehandler
1.Save your balls
Okay, your girlfriend hasn't been on it for a month, but it doesn't seem like self-flagellation. Your friend will thank you. You're a girl? The same is true.
2. Improve mobility
Do you have the elasticity of a stockfish when you get on or off the bike? With the telescopic you improve this aspect: lower the saddle and voilà! The style will gain and friends will no longer turn away and avoid knowing you.
3. Avoid Rolls
Telescopic prevents you from having cold sweats every time you take a slightly exposed path! Present when you are on an alpine single track and put your foot down in the valley? Cold sweats avoided and a few less gray hairs on the head.
4. Improve performance
When there is greater safety, indirectly, there is also more speed and therefore more performance. “But on the bike I increase the weight, I go less fast uphill”, but do you really think that 300gr will change your life? Then cancel your grandmother's lunch based on stewed venison, wild boar and homemade tagliatelle! Are you a vegetarian? … And stop eating weed!
5. Save face
No, I don't mean in the true sense of the word idiot. The clerk is always around the corner and saving face is always a good thing. The catapult effect could come when you least expect it: there is nothing worse than being with the rear up and the saddle pushing you over the handlebars. In the Middle Ages they used catapults!
6. Increase reputation
We know that when you walk down a technical stretch, it doesn't matter if you have a cross country, a telescopic or a graziella, the reputation in the group will decrease and the one with the 160mm enduro will always have the better of us. How to fight it? Mounting a telescopic and doing the same things he does, thus removing the poisoned crank and increasing the reputation in the group!
7. Lower the center of gravity
One of the foundations of any sporting activity, and of the teachings in MTB courses, is to keep the center of gravity low. The lower the better. No wait, not to that point! But how do we get it down if we have a stick in the c ** o? The operation could be even more painful if there were no saddle that acts as a filter. By the way: I hope nobody rides without saddle.
8. Improve uphill
This is a fundamental aspect in e-bikes: uphill, lowering the saddle slightly will help you have greater balance and increase safety, being able to place your foot on the ground without problems. Yes, we will lose a few watts, but the good old motor will help us in this situation.
9. Ride the bike
Ok that the bike has 2 wheels and even stones roll downhill, but we have to drive the bike, not let us drive! With the low saddle this foundation is easier to implement as we can move on the bike with greater freedom and ease. And take off that superman posture, we don't have to do a trick!
10. Stop in style
Do you want to put the stop at the bar with a style that not even John Travolta in Grease? The female (or male) counterpart will also thank you.
And so I have listed the 10 reasons to switch to a telehandler. I suggest you also go and see the video dedicated to 10 mistakes not to be made in MTB. If you agree with me, leave a like and remember that, to improve technically, you have to attend the right companies so, on the web side, follow 365tv.
Video featured in episode # 35