Space for video.
How to learn to jump on a mountain bike
1. Choice of jump
The choice of the jump is very important: ramp and landing not too inclined and not excessive length. The top must be flat for safety and learning reasons.
2. Understand your jumping style
3. Clean approach
Clean Ramp Approach: Give yourself space before the ramp to stop pedaling and get into position. Visual references to the base of the jump (such as a pin, a stone or whatever) can come to help and, when you see this object, stop pedaling, bend your legs and arms slightly and get ready to jump.
4. Look
Put 2 references on the top of the jump: they will help you keep your focus and understand when your bike will “take off”. We have created the ideal conditions for the jump, now for the practical space for the video tutorial.
5. Jump - phase 1 (pre ramp)
I stop pedaling and keep a comfortable position. Slightly bent arms and legs.
6. Jump - phase 2 (ramp)
I begin to stretch out to the highest point.
7. Jump - phase 3 (deadlift)
I begin to stretch out to the highest point, I fold up with my legs and arms slightly bent in anticipation of the landing.
How to improve the jump? What are the precautions? Space for the video tutorial.
Video featured in episode # 18 of 'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori":