How many times have we heard, or read, this sentence. I am the first to be against the system, but I like to analyze the facts in depth and not with the classic bar approach that is so fashionable on social media.
No, bikes don't cost like a motorcycle!
Just look at a catalog of any motorcycle brand to see that there are various levels of product: it starts with the scooter 100 of displacement proposed for € 2500 and reaches up to € 30.000 and more for the Sport / Touring models.

In the bikes we start from the basic models on € 500 (excellent for hoeing the ground with the teeth) up to about € 9000 euros.

In recent times, the value of € 10.000 has been cleared, but they are bikes more useful than anything else as furniture in the living room instead of the classic stuffed deer head (weh, but have you seen what means I keep behind the Armani jacket?).

This of the € 10.000 is a psychological aspect that the brands have carried out despite the fact that sales in this price range have always been very low: having the model above 10.000 makes you dream and gives even more value to the range below. As if to say: we can get to that level, but if you 'user' want to settle for another bike, ok go ahead. Pure law of marketing: making people want an object. And the user countered with a: "I don't take the top of the range, it costs too much, I'm happy with the € 7000 model", thinking that I have done it in spite of marketing.

How not to mention Cannondale's Hi-MOD Ultimate model? Always proposed at very high figures even in unsuspected periods, but which was often presented in the catalog in a rendered version, i.e. on the computer: not even a live photo because perhaps not even a model had been produced to print the catalog but it was cool to show the its inestimable value.
This makes it clear that bikes YES, THEY COST A LOT, but not as a motorcycle: if we want a € 10.000 bike, presented as the non plus ultra of MTB, we must also compare it to the non plus ultra of the motorcycle world, and here we will discover dizzying prices in this area too, which they will soon make us exclaim: "but it costs like a house!".
We live in a free market where the law of supply and demand is in force, that is the price agreed between those who sell and those who buy: the bike is a passion, and therefore we live on passion, it is normal for prices to rise upwards. . This is because we are willing to spend a lot. The law of supply and demand is distorted by the human soul and the human being is basically vain: in order to have that red mustache on the wagon, we will also spend hundreds of euros more.

Yeti, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary (2015), presented a SB6 carbon with vintage coloring referring to the first model of 1991: an absolute spectacle, I would be a liar to say the opposite. But then comes the price: € 9000. OK, it will be for another time. But here comes the news that in a few days the planned 250 models were sold out.
5 years later (2020), mindful of the result, Yeti presents the same color for the 35th anniversary of the brand but this time on the ARC Carbon model (front): the quantity is reduced to only 100 models and the price rises to € 10.000 (9999 € to be precise), well € 1000 more than the SB6 despite being a front! And here too the sale closes in a few hours.
In 2015 I expect a BMX at a cost of € 12.000 with the colors used by Juliana Furtado … And in just a few hours it will be sold!

A bit like saying: "it's not the bike that costs too much, but you who earn too little, bum!".
All this to say that the price, for better or for worse, we do it. What if I told you now that in the world cup DH they are dominating with aluminum? In Fort William, in the first 4 places, we find 3 riders with aluminum frame.
To the e-bikers the arduous sentence.