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8 types of BIKERS you can meet along the trails

8 types of MTB Biker you can meet along the trails.

what kind of biker are you

Let's go and analyze them. Space for video.



The promoter of the Saturday tours. He spends all week studying routes on maps and google maps. The outings during the week are always solo, to discover in great secret new trails, to be proposed with pride at the Saturday exit.


At the exit on Saturday it never fails. The only drawback, it is never on time. At the stroke of the meeting time he must be called every time to find out how he is placed, where he is, if there is one…. Everyone hopes that he will say no, but in the end with invented excuses he always manages to keep himself waiting, for the (un) joy of the group.


When you go to shoot in new places, or decide to try something different, he is always ready to say yes. At every crossroads he sees an opportunity in the new road, even if he does not know where it can lead. He inevitably finds himself in closed, ugly trails that involve pushing the bike to return. Even in the portage he does not lose optimism and appreciates the fact that every now and then a walk is good for the (non) joy of the group.


The maniac of training tables, data study and timing. Uphill he doesn't stop rattling off data from his latest Garmin model: current altitude, elevation gain, km traveled and watts expressed. Downhill calculates time and of course Strava has to be Premium if you want to be someone in the biker community. At the end of the beer tour? Absurd, only mineral salts and energy bar.


With him you always know when you are leaving ... and also when you come back. His workhorse is 'guys today at 12 noon I have to be home…'. On Sundays it's nice to ride a bike with the group, but arriving late for the lunch prepared by his mother is an indelible sign of his morale. With his tight schedule, he conditions the exit of the whole group.


Going out with him is always a risk. Bike maintenance never performed, chain oil and gearbox adjustment not received. In the backpack he keeps only the phone. In the event of a puncture, he must beg air chambers, vermicelli and pump to the right and left (of course the unfortunate person on duty will never see them again). At the moment of refreshment, drop bars, or half bars to your companions. He is seen as the plague in case of exits on badass paths, with him only asphalt.


The beauty of the group. Latest clothing, gopro always on and photos every break. Going fast is not his priority. At the bar at the end of the tour, the first rule is to post the images, under unacceptable titles, worthy of the best Red Bull videos. If needed, he is available for advice on matching colors and bike components, without knowing the real advantage, but it's very cool.


Safety comes first. A mountain bike ride is always a danger. It only comes out if it has a full-face helmet (or detachable chin guard), knee pads, shin guards, elbow pads and back protector. In the backpack you will find a bonsai workshop and a first aid kit cannot be missing. Number of bars exaggerated for the type of turn. You never know. At the beginning of each descent, the dressing with all the protections starts, also to make the ramp that goes down to the garage. The laps with him bring endless expectations to each descent.

Video belonging to episode # 39:

Author: Rain Man

Written by

One of the authors of 365tv: many of the gags are conceived and designed by him.


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