Comparing the impact of F1 and cycling globally seems an unfair comparison in many respects. From the salary of its protagonists to the global impact of each sport. But this time cycling achieved a small victory over F1. The road cycling world champion, Mathieu van der Poel, has been chosen as sportsman of the year in the Netherlands, beating the winner of the Formula 1 World Championship, Max Verstappen.

Mathieu van der Poel has been named Sportsman of the Year in the Netherlands. At yesterday's gala he beat the other two candidates, the F1 driver Max Verstappen and the cyclist Harrie Lavreysen. The voting system included the votes of the other athletes, which were worth 50% of the overall score, and the votes of a professional jury, which were worth the remaining 50% of the final score.

Although Verstappen was proclaimed F1 world champion for the third time in a row, this time he was overtaken by Mathieu van der Poel, winner of 2023 Milan-Sanremo and Paris-Roubaix, as well as the cyclocross and road world championships.