The Black Snake is now a symbol: it is a path that calling it technical is an understatement. A track that put all the athletes to the test, with some riders who defined the track as perhaps too demanding where it was difficult to put together a run without errors.
But perhaps this is exactly what drives the public crazy: seeing pros in difficulty is always nice, sure that you shouldn't get too tired in the future so as not to risk raising the bar too much. The fact is that the Cup weekend was exceptional.
The track downhill he has seen many falls, some more serious than others. We have already done an article on the damn last curve of the black snake, which has seen many “trivial” slips in recent years (trivial in quotation marks because we are well aware of the difficulty of getting to everything on a curve without support). How not to mention that of Laurie Greenland during practice: in a stretch of the course, the athletes came out of a left-hand bend very fast and immediately tried to unravel some roots: not exactly an easy operation that saw many jokers, such as Laurie's fall. Greenland.
Very bad fall of Greg Minnaar who, fortunately, seems to have no problems for a total recovery. Just a lot of patience and rehabilitation. Click on the image for more details.
Loris Revelli was also not outdone with a bad crash during free practice which then led him not to qualify for the final on Saturday. Such a pity.
Valentin Chatanay
Very bad fall of Valentin Chanay, 23 year old French athlete of Team Scott Manigod. Fortunately, nothing serious for him.