A reason for mountain bike and tourism enthusiasts to meet, surrounded by an aura of conviviality and not necessarily competition.
Source: press release
It will take place on May 6 and will involve, in fact, the territory of Tuscia and is open to all athletes, registered or not, as long as they have a good physical preparation.
We will start from Viterbo, from the external parking of the Tuscia Shopping Center, to go towards a path of extreme scenic and historical-cultural beauty.
Among the stages emerge Viterbo, Vitorchiano and Bomarzo, where a path will lead first to the Etruscan pyramid and then to the remains of the ancient rock settlement of Santa Cecilia, among the ancient and suggestive roads cut into the rock of peperino and tuff. From there we will continue climbing for a stretch the sparkling Castello ditch with its ruins of mills, until we reach the waterfalls and the Pasolini tower.
Participants will then get lost in nature and in the past and will be kidnapped by the traces of the famous director Pier Paolo Pasolini who fell in love with these places when, shooting some sequences of the baptism of Jesus in the film "the gospel according to Matthew", he discovered them. The director also bought the Chia tower and moved his residence there. Near the tower was also shot part of the film "The Brancaleone Army" by Monicelli, where the leader Brancaleone from Norcia fights in the initial tournament.
From the Torre di Pasolini the path divides: a simpler path and a more difficult one that leads to the Cimini mountains.
There will therefore be those who will return to Viterbo retracing for two short stretches the roads already traveled on the outward journey, while others will go towards the Faggeta flanking the source of the Acquaspasa, thus increasing the height difference of the tour.
From Cimini a descent will take them to the Roman road where they will intercept the path called (not surprisingly!) “Calvario” which will bring them back to Viterbo.
From this point the two routes will meet and point towards the center of the city by passing the riders through the streets of the S. Pellegrino district, in front of the Papal Palace, to the Duomo to then arrive at the arrival, at the parking lot of the Tuscia Shopping Center. .
Registration for the event requires the payment of a sum of € 20 which entitles you to participate, to the race pack, to insurance coverage, to medical assistance guaranteed by two ambulances, to the assistance service of the "broom wagon", to two refreshment points (one about halfway and a pasta party upon arrival), the free photo shoot, the showers and bike washing service, the photo contest linked to the event and the possibility of free use of a tourist guide who will entertain accompanying athletes by making them discover the historic center of the city.
For all information just go to the site tusciabikeride.it, where you can register online.