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Toscano Enduro Series kicks off on Sunday on the Island of Elba

chinucci palmieri finetto

The Toscano Enduro Series 2021 opens the season next Sunday 25 April on the Island of Elba, with the first national race of gravity disciplines.

Source: press release

Five unconscious, a group of madmen and a fairytale location.

The reckless are the organizers of the Toscano Enduro Series 2021 who have been working for months to put together the only Italian enduro national circuit.

The crazy ones are the guys from West Elba who believed they could compete even in the darkest moments of the pandemic by continuing to work on the paths that descend from Mount Perone to San Piero, the heart of the fantastic location on the Island of Elba, which over the years it is increasingly establishing itself as a real mountain bike mecca and which will be the setting for the resumption of battles between the strongest Italian enduro athletes.

The national enduro season can therefore start.

On the one hand, the Elban trail builders led by Niccolino Galeazzi and Maurizio Dini, who together with Antonio Munno and Luca Costa cleaned, dusted and polished the trails, even creating 2 new ones for the occasion; on the other, the group of organizers of the TES, with Max Baldisseri, Marco Corsi, Davide De Min, Rolando Galli and Enrico "Lando" Landucci, with the contribution for the communication and management of social channels by Alexa Spadoni, who after the forced stop due at the lockdowns, they are committed to organizing the first Italian enduro race of 2021 for next April 25th.

The race will be valid, as mentioned, also for the Toscano Enduro Series, the most important and participated championship in Italy, to which it will act as a springboard.

Start from San Piero in Campo, four special stages, for 26 km of route and a difference in height of 1200 meters, a race not for everyone, but to which more than 350 athletes have already responded.

At the start all the best specialists in the category, with spearheads Nicola Casadei and Mirco Vendemmia among the agonists while Davide Carissimi and Alessandro Gennesi will make life hard for amateurs. Combined there will also be the e-bike race which also promises to be very open with the over 50 athletes registered at the start.

So there is great anticipation for this race and the weather forecast looks good too ...

After the stage on the Island of Elba, the 2021 Toscano Enduro Series will continue with the following calendar:

May 23: Carmignano (PO)
June 20: Livorno
25 July: Garfagnana (LU)
12 September: Castelnuovo in Val di Cecina (PI)

Written by

[email protected] I am a fan of everything that has 2 wheels: at a young age I practiced road and track cycling (Italian Allievi champion). At the age of 18 I passed into the cross country competing at national/international level as an Under23. Past Elite, I made the choice to take things more lightly from a training point of view, and my love for gravity disciplines was born, training me as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made passion my profession by managing 2 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Bike Center Elba and Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


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