We publish the press release Peruzzo srl because it is already more than exhaustive. Peruzzo SRL is a company founded in 1972 where it founded its initial core business in the production of bicycle chain covers. The advent of MTBs at the end of the 80s drastically reduced the demand for crankcases. From here was born the intuition to convert production into cycle accessories, with particular focus on car bike racks.

Press release from Peruzzo SRL: As many of you will know, the Ministry of Transport has recently issued circulars aimed at requesting the registration of the tow hook bike rack inside the car's registration document.
As manufacturers we are exerting considerable pressure at a legal level to make the Government understand that this type of circular is comparable to the application of a tax as it does not bring any added value in terms of safety, as the product placed on the market is already approved and therefore compliant to a clear European Directive.
Unfortunately, the appeal to the TAR was unsuccessful and we are proceeding through other legal channels. In the meantime, however, the circular is applicable and therefore subjects who have not yet proceeded with registration could be subject to sanctions.
Given the very confusing circular and the equally messy application by the local DMV offices, we do not feel in a position to be able to provide clear modalities and we invite you, for further clarification, to refer to your relevant DMV office to understand how to proceed .
We also remind you that the circular is RETROACTIVE, this means that it is not only applicable to new purchases but also to products already in use regardless of the year of production, approval or purchase.
In our opinion it is clear that it is only and exclusively an easy collection that the Government wants to recover from a vast number of tow hook bike racks currently circulating in Italy and which have grown exponentially over the last few years. Precisely for this reason we invite you to help us in this legal "battle" and ask you to write to [email protected] to express your disappointment. The voice of many sector operators and private citizens could be a fundamental lever to review this absurd circular.