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Samuele Porro and the misfortune of the Italian Marathon MTB 2022

Very unfortunate Samuele Porro who was forced to retire from the Italian mtb marathon championship.

Samuele Porro and Fabian Rabensteiner
Samuele Porro and Fabian Rabensteiner leading the Italian marathon 2022

Fabian Rabensteiner won the Italian Marathon Championship for the 2nd consecutive year and confirmed, after the european championship, to be one of the strongest marathon runners in the world.

Samuele Porro was dominating the Italian marathon together with Rabensteiner but bad luck caused the front crown to break after an impact. A more unique than rare failure, which cut the Como biker out of the game for the victory.

Samuele Porro Team TREK PIRELLI
Samuele Porro with the Italian champion shirt in 2020.

Samuele Porro, in the last 8 Italian Marathons, had reached 3 podiums and 5 victories. This 2022 is a very unfortunate year for him, after he was stopped some time ago for heart tests.

Written by

[email protected] I am a fan of everything that has 2 wheels: at a young age I practiced road and track cycling (Italian Allievi champion). At the age of 18 I passed into the cross country competing at national/international level as an Under23. Past Elite, I made the choice to take things more lightly from a training point of view, and my love for gravity disciplines was born, training me as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made passion my profession by managing 2 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Bike Center Elba and Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


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