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The ETNA MARATHON VICTORY returns on 24 September 2023

After the more than positive edition of last September 18, Milo and Etna are preparing to welcome the many bikers who will compete on the tracks of the highest active volcano in Europe.

Vittoria Etna Marathon (1)

The organizing committee is working to return a seventeenth edition full of novelties which, once again, wants to scale the organizational standards of an international level.

Source: press release

The start of registrations is set for 6 January 2023 with the launch offer reserved for the first members. The super-gadget will certainly not be missing, which we will reveal later, but which will certainly be greatly appreciated by all the participants.

The seventeenth edition of the Vittoria Etna Marathon already boasts partners of the highest quality, such as Vittoria (the title sponsor) world leader in the production and marketing of bicycle tires and Alé (main sponsor) the historic brand of the highest quality in the production of clothing for cycling.

The race is included in the FCI national calendar and there will also be the possibility of taking advantage of the advantageous combinations with some of the most prestigious races on the Italian and European scene. Particular attention will be given to the teams, with offers dedicated to them.

The countdown has officially begun, the date to mark on your calendar is 24 September 2023, with the seventeenth edition of the Vittoria Etna Marathon!

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