This was decided by the Council of Ministers, which approved - in a preliminary way - the legislative decree which transposes the European directive on the reform of motor liability insurance, making changes to the Highway Code and that of private insurance.
After the declarations of intent (including those of the Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini) let's get down to the facts. The decree provides for the expansion of the category of vehicles subject to liability liability: these include scooters and bicycles equipped with an accumulator. For electric bikes equipped with an accumulator, normal e-bikes are excluded, even if with this term (accumulator) we are unable to understand its meaning.

Not only that: the insurance obligation applies regardless of the terrain on which the vehicles are used, whether they are stationary, moving or circulating in restricted areas (eg airports). There is the possibility of suspending the insurance – even several times, but for no more than nine months in the course of a year – in the event of seasonal use, or of vehicles withdrawn from circulation (that is to say confiscated, seized, or destined for scrapping). Finally, the decree also provides for the strengthening of the free estimate tool to compare insurance conditions and prices, which can be consulted on the websites of the Ministry of Enterprise and IVASS.