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Racing World

Jesse Melamed, let's relive the EWS winner's season

Enjoy the highlights of Jesse Melamed's winning season

podium ews 2022 men
Loudenvielle general classification: Melamed - Rude - Maes

A tight season, which saw the Canadian rider win over a motivated Rude as never before to reach Sam hill in the Olympus of those who managed to win the overall three times.

A faithful shoulder to shoulder in which Jesse had to contend with two other suitors, who after a quiet start found motivation and thirst for victory, namely Moir and the reborn Martin Maes.

Let's relive the most exciting phases of the Canadian's victorious season

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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