In France, precisely in Rustrel (Provence), we had the opportunity to preview (and touch) the new Hutchison Enduro models which for the next year have undergone changes dictated by the pro riders who tested them. The two models in question are the Toro and the Squale, two types of tires but with the same common characteristic: grip!
Nice feature is that the Toro slightly changes design from section 2.35 to section 2.25 to allow excellent use of the 2.35 at the front and the 2.25 at the rear. The SHARK slims as a section (from 2.35 to 2.25) but fattens as a carcass reaching 950gr in weight against the 690gr of the old edition, which was a limit for Enduro use, especially at the rear.
The tires turned out to be excellent (on the other hand with testers like Michael Hannah and Kilian Bron it can only be so!) But more information you will find on 365 mountainbike in July including many spectacular photos shot at the ocher quarries with their reddish color that recall the grounds of the Rampage!