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Here are the routes of the EWS-E and of the Nations Trophy in Finale Ligure

The journey of the Enduro World Series continues through the territory of the Finale Outdoor Region, the 2022 routes are ready.


From 29 September to 2 October Finale Ligure is preparing to host 2 major competitions, first the final of the EWS-E pedal assisted mountain bike circuit and immediately following the Bluegrass Trophy of Nations team competition.

Source: press release

Due to the different nature of the two events and competition formats, the organization has devised two completely distinct itineraries in terms of characteristics and environments crossed.



The race lap of the EWS-E Pro consists of three loops, which involve the territory of the municipalities of Finale Ligure, Orco Feglino and Calice Ligure, interspersed with a stop in the paddock area in Finale Ligure for battery recharging, assistance mechanics and competing restaurants. The first Loop consists of 4 timed special stages, one of which is Power Stage (uphill stage), for a total of about 21km and 900m of elevation gain. This first section of the race makes a wide lap around the San Bernardino Plateau, skirting several important cliffs including the Paretone di Pianarella, those of Monte Cucco and other areas of historical interest such as the Ciappi dei Ceci and the Conche. Loop 2 and 3 coincide and develop in the natural area that separates the valleys of Calice Ligure and Orco Feglino from the Rocca di Perti through Pian Marino. The Loops are also composed of 4 special stages, one of which is Power Stage, for a total of about 21km and 800m of elevation gain.
The EWS-E100 amateur race runs on the same course as the Pro race, while the EWS-E50's course is reduced to the first and second loops. Two Italians are really on the ball this year, they are Alia Marcellini (Fulgur Factory Team Valdinievole) and Andrea Garibbo (Team Haibike) both several times on the podium this year and at the top of the standings, they will certainly be to keep an eye on also in this circuit final.

"The idea behind the race lap of the EWS-E 2022 is clearly to show some of our most suitable paths for assisted pedaling, but above all to highlight how it is possible to connect them together with beautiful transfers even in singletrack. fun and spectacular at least as much as the downhill trails that connect ”declared Riccardo Negro race director of Finalenduro. To all intents and purposes it is a new way of enjoying the coastal plateaus, which can now be visited in their entirety thanks to e-mtb.


The race lap of the Bluegrass Trophy of Nations, on the other hand, develops in a much larger territory than from the mountainous hinterland of the municipalities of Calizzano and Pietra Ligure winds up to the coast passing through the municipalities of Rialto, Magliolo and again Calice Ligure and Finale Ligure. Overall, the race consists of five special stages and measures approximately 80 km and 3.000 m in altitude with a refreshment area at Din supported by partners Acqua Calizzano and Miro Srl for desserts and packed lunches. Of these, however, 15 km and 1.000 m are covered by a shuttle service to which all competitors have access immediately after leaving the starting stage. This facility allows you to go for the first special stage up to the 1.300 m altitude of the Barbottina state-owned forest, a splendid beech forest in the Ligurian hinterland. In this environment the long and flowing ps1 Fast and Furious and ps2 Megaroller develop some of the most iconic trails of Val Maremola.

At the end of ps2 the riders are again closer to the sea and ready to face ps3 Final-Borgo, a short but at the same time highly technical performance test that goes directly from Fortezza San Giovanni to Finalborgo. After a short technical stop in the paddock, Time Control, it is the turn of the last two special stages that take place in the typical environment of the low plateaus of San Bernardino (ps4 Ruggetta) and Le Manie (ps5 DH Men), historically the most man-made area since from Roman and pre-Roman times and definitely characteristic of the Finale Outdoor Region.
The Industry Trophy and Rider Trophy amateur races take place on the same course as the Trophy of Nations, except for the Rider Trophy which does not run on ps4.

The Bluegrass Trophy of Nations 2022 then ends in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in Finale Ligure with the great award ceremony of the Winning Teams who will receive the medal and the special UCI jersey during one of the most beautiful and evocative ceremonies of the world mtb scene.

News of 2022 dedicated to the public and to the use of the special stages are the online maps (EWS-E / TON) of the two competitions that can be accessed through the linktree on the instagram page or from the QR code also present on paper maps. In addition to the race lap, the online maps also indicate the recommended parking points and access points for spectators, a way to make the Enduro World Series show in the Final Outdoor Region easier and safer.

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