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e-Enduro opens up to light E-bikes (LE category – Light E-bike)

e-Enduro opens up to the LE (Light Ebike) category.

Matteo Bertha
Matteo Berta engaged in the Italian Elite 2022 championship

The development of products related to the world of pedal assisted bikes is placing more and more models called "light e-bikes" on the market.

Source: press release

In relation to the increasingly important sales numbers and the requests of the owners themselves, e-enduro felt compelled to create a new category that will give this new interesting segment the opportunity to compete in the e-Enduro circuit.

francesco book eenduro
© Wario Pierguidi / e-Enduro

Given the different usage philosophy, the race regulations will also be specially adapted and in the next few days will be online on the e-enduro site where the guidelines for identifying the types of engines allowed and the relative management in the race will be indicated.

Given the continuous evolution, the list of admitted engines will be constantly updated based on the marketing of new vehicles that will fall into the "LE" category while the race course, from time to time, may be adapted to these new e-mtb Light.

Registrations for the Skill Event scheduled for 11 and 12 March in Stella (SV) will soon open.

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