Source: press release
There are 49 days left to the start of CosmoBike Show, the great appointment dedicated to the world of bicycles at the Verona Fair, from 11 to 14 September and preparations are underway! The exhibitors catalog ( is enriched every day with important brands. And CosmoBike Show becomes the ideal space to be known and represent the great potential of the sector. The public, made up of the purest fans of two-wheeled "pedals", those who want to "touch", meet the producers, discuss with them and choose everything that CosmoBike Show makes available, will not fail to show their consent. . For an entire and intense day, that of 11 September (, bike-addicted will be able to get on the bike of their dreams and test it on the specially made MTB, ROAD, GRAVITY AND GRAVEL routes of the Torricelle, the hills of Verona! And not only. They will also have two exceptional guides available for those who want it: Carlo Gambirasio, Down Hill specialist, and Filippo Proserpio, great Freestyle: two true standard bearers of the MTB world.
From 12 September, CosmoBike Show 2015 offers, free of charge, to all visitors, extensive test routes and facilities to test all the new 2016 models present. In the external spaces of the Verona fairgrounds, test tracks for MTBs will be specially and expertly constructed; racing bikes and E-Bikes; anyone can test their favorite two-wheeled pedals: latest generation electric bikes, ever lighter racing bikes, ever more performing mountain bikes, not to mention the brand new fat bikes, bikes for pedaling even on sand and snow. The test track for fat bikes was created in collaboration with the editors of
LA TERZAROSSA also arrives at CosmoBike Show. After Ferrari and Ducati there is a new Red in Emilia. Made in Italy electric bike company exhibits its eldest daughter right at the Verona Fair. TESTAROSSA GP 380 is an innovative object also suitable for ferrying motorcyclists into the world of electric off-road vehicles. It weighs less than 25 kg, the engine is operated with an accelerator and has a power of over 4.000 w which allows it to reach 45 km / h in just 40 meters. But it can also reach 80 km / h! GP 380, however, was not born to go for a walk, but to fight on the cross tracks and practice Down Hill in total autonomy by climbing the ascent at 20 km / h. It can be tested and admired in the test track specially created inside the fair.
The CosmoBike Show conference program is also taking shape, particularly rich is that of CosmoBike Mobility, the first urban cycling show, created in collaboration with And while the program continues to be enriched with new interventions and contents (, the possibility is offered to attend all CosmoBike Mobility sessions in live streaming thanks to the Periscope platform.
The complete program of all the CosmoBike Show appointments will be constantly updated on the event website. So, an appointment with CosmoBike Show at the Fiera in Verona from 11 to 14 September 2015.
CosmoBike Show Press Office
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Email: [email protected]
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