Source: press release
Between confirmations and innovation in the format, the Superenduro introduces the E-MTB category with the aim of experimenting and finding the right formula for the races dedicated to pedal assisted bikes.
The growth of the E-MTB sector is a reality under the eyes of all and this is demonstrated by the development and innovation of products, the birth of specialized magazines and columns on the main magazines and the curiosity that users show on the subject.
Then let's face it, the E-MTBs are starting to look really good and when the innovation reaches a pleasant aesthetic sense the step towards the real explosion is near.
To date, the direction that this sector will take or better still, what is the best direction for the E-MTB race sector is a question that no one can yet answer.
What we are sure of is that among the MTB disciplines the only one for which the competitive development of the E-Bike really makes sense is enduro. Both for the nature of the discipline and for the technical development that companies have given to bicycles.
Always fascinated by challenges and new trends, the Superenduro staff intends first of all to fully understand the potential of E-MTBs, but above all to find the characteristics that a race dedicated to them must have to be truly fun and stimulating.
It is on this basis that the route of the first experimental E-Bike race in Massa Marittima was designed.
Only those who will be there will be able to say that they have participated in a moment of innovation and have also contributed with their feedback to the development of a new and different way of racing in enduro.
We are waiting for you in Massa Marittima… with charged batteries!
The use of pedal assisted electric MTBs or pedalecs that meet the current European standard (European Directive 2002/24 / EC) is allowed.
Each participant is personally responsible for the road approval of his eBike and compliance with the rules of the highway code.
Participants with E-Bikes, which do not comply with the current technical reference legislation, the highway code and these regulations can be excluded from the race at any time, at the discretion of the jury president. Competitors who break the rules may be excluded following verification even after the end of the race following checks by drawing lots.
The following components will be stamped with adhesive countermark: battery, rims, frame.
The battery, once punched, cannot be recharged until the end of the race.
The loss or breakage of any counter brand will result in exclusion from the race.
The start of the E-MTB Category will take place from Piazza del Duomo in Massa Marittima at approximately 8:45 am.
In transfer, the competitors will reach the Bike Hotel in Massa Vecchia.
From here, around 9:15 am and in any case at the head of the race they will enter the heart of the race with the official start to travel PS3, PS4, PS5 and PS6