Funky Day, June 18-19, 2016! MTB Festival: we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Bruno Zanchi from the world championship of Ciocco 1991, MTB course (and guide on the Trail) of NNicola Casadei, Dirt course Alessandro Barbero, Pump Track course with ours David Finetto, Girls at the forefront with many pink events by Elena Martinello e BikHer. And then music, party ... fried dumplings! We are waiting for you. June 18-19 in Montecreto (MO), true Mountain Bike festival! And Pier Paolo Marani will not be watching ...
PS: the event will be E-bike friendly with the director Mauro Cottone at the forefront to make you understand the real advantages of these bikes. On 365mountainbike in June a very interesting 6-page article.
Info and complete program on the OFFICIAL SITE