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Official, Cannondale is back in marathons: the Cannondale MTB Pro Team is born

The partnership with Cannondale Italia foresees the evolution of the team name in Cannondale MTB Professional Team. The agreement, which will start in 2023 and will grow together in the coming years, rekindles the spirits of fans of the prestigious Cannondale brand in marathons.

Cannondale MTB ProTeam 02

Cannondale, the US-based elite bicycle brand, will become the title sponsor in the evolution of MT Bike Team. Born as a personal team of Martino Tronconi, in 2023 it will transform into a structured team, thanks to the renewed support of the sponsors who have linked their brand to the Marradi team since the first hour and of Cannondale Italia itself.

Source: press release

For more than 50 years, Cannondale has been a leader in producing top-of-the-line bicycles, earning a position in the industry with innovative designs that inspire cyclists around the world. Today, Cannondale not only makes bikes for all disciplines, but also components and accessories that are every bit as innovative as the bikes that built its reputation.

Cannondale MTB ProTeam 01
Martin Tronconi

In future the team will be known as the Cannondale MTB Professional Team and each member will be able to train and race on a state-of-the-art Cannondale bicycle. The revolutionary hardtail model Scalpel HT and Scalpel HI-Mod Ultimate, the new full suspension, spearhead of the Wilton house, will be the means available to the athletes of the new team who will be equipped with the SuperSix Evo, the icon, for road training of the brand and one of the most popular bikes on the World Tour.

“We are over the moon with this sponsorship” – says Martino Tronconi, manager and coordinator of the team – “I have always admired the bicycles of the Cannondale brand, one of the most characterizing and innovative brands in our world and I am extremely proud to be able to use them in competitions. For us it is a source of pride and satisfaction to bring to the competition fields and from today represent the name and prestige of a top brand in the mountain bike world. With Simone Maltagliati and the other members of Cannondale Italia we immediately shared the desire to start working together and make the team evolve step by step over the next few years. We are ready and fired up to start writing this story together!”

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