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Arias and Diesner increasingly dominating: they are also the High Mountain Queen Stage

The Colombian from Hubbers-Polimedical manages the 105km of the High Mountain Queen Stage and takes off Felix Fritzsch in the final climb. Francisco Filipe consolidates the third position. Naima Diesner increasingly queen among women

It is more and more solo racing for Diego Arias (Credits: The Outdoor Lab)

It was the most awaited stage, as per the tradition of Apennine MTB Stage Race, and it did not disappoint. There High Mountain Queen Stage, went on stage Tuesday September 6, has its winners: Diego Arias e Naima Diesner. The two leaders of the general classification confirmed their supremacy along the 105 Km and 3650 meters of altitude da Castelnovo ne 'Monti a fanano.

Source: press release

Unlike the first two stages, Diego Arias decided to manage the long mileage waiting for the final race to launch the winning attack. It is in fact only on the last climb towards Pian Cavallaro that the Colombian from Hubbers-Polimedical got rid of the company before Francisco Filipe (DMT Racing Team) and then of Felix Fritzsch (R2 MTN CREW), reaching the finish line of Fanano in 5:22:46, Just 59 "before the German and with mechanical 5:14 of advantage on the Portuguese.

In the first part of the stage there was a final farewell to the Pietra di Bismantova (Credits: The Outdoor Lab)

The three faced the entire race in the lead, setting the pace from the first ascent of the day towards Pass of the Cisa. However, the balance was broken on the last bump of the day, when Diego Arias increased his pace, shaking off Francisco Filipe already halfway up the climb. Felix Fritzsch instead continued to bite his wheels, giving up just before the brow. In the subsequent descent technique, the Colombian therefore managed the situation, avoiding unnecessary risks.

apenninica mtb stage race 2022
Much of the High Mountain Queen Stage took place along the Alta via dei Parchi (Credits: The Outdoor Lab)

The standard bearer of Hubbers-Polimedical has thus further consolidated his leadership, with a advantage over Francisco Filipe which now stands on 13:35, while the German winner of the last edition is alone 57 "from the second square.

“We kept a steady pace because it was a long stage, it never ended. On the last climb I went at my pace and made a difference, then checking the final descent which was very technical. I'm having a lot of fun at Appenninica MTB Stage Race, I think it's a very training race in view of the MTB Marathon World Championship ", says Diego Arias.


Naima Diesner's smile continues to illuminate the women's race. The German is now heading towards an encore after the success of 2021 and has also made her the High Mountain Queen Stage, finishing at the finish in Fanano in 7:34:45. Right from the start, the Buff-Megamo team athlete made a void behind him, winning with 17:25 on Camilla Marinelli.

Instead, he returns to the podium of the day Deborah Lana (Bike and Fun Team) that after a disappointing second stage closed just over half an hour behind the winner. Behind Queen Diesner, in the general the Italian had to leave the second place to her compatriot Camilla Marinelli, while Elena Novikova in fourth position he lost further ground to fight for the podium.

"It was a wonderful stage and unlike last year it was not rainy, we were able to admire beautiful landscapes. I really enjoyed it ", commented Naima Diesner on the finish in Fanano.

Written by

[email protected] I am a fan of everything that has 2 wheels: at a young age I practiced road and track cycling (Italian Allievi champion). At the age of 18 I passed into the cross country competing at national/international level as an Under23. Past Elite, I made the choice to take things more lightly from a training point of view, and my love for gravity disciplines was born, training me as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made passion my profession by managing 2 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Bike Center Elba and Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


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