The date calendar of the European Enduro Series has already been defined, a circuit that is receiving more and more acclaim and that next year will be tinged with a lot of tricolor given the presence of 3 races (the 4th is in the decision phase). The start will already be in March from the village of Dolceacqua (Imperia, Liguria), followed by the appointment in Punta Ala (23/24 April). Third test again in Italy, precisely in Riva del Garda in conjunction with the Bike Festival!
2016 European Enduro Series Calendar:
05 + 06/03/2016 * EES # P - Dolceacqua (ITA)
23 + 24/04/2016 * EES # 1 - Punta Ala (ITA)
30 + 01/05/2016 * EC - Riva del Garda (ITA)
08 + 09/07/2016 * EES # 2 - tba (SWE)
23 + 24/07/2016 * EES # 3 - Reschenpass (AUT / ITA / SUI)
03 + 04/09/2016 * EES # 4 - tba (FRA)
29 + 30/10/2016 * EES # 5 - tba (ESP)
# Europeanenduroseries # EES2016