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When there is no snow… The bikers dance!

the little snow allows tours that are usually 'prohibited in winter'

An atypical winter that of the north west of the country. Little snow and temperatures above the seasonal average have turned it into a hybrid season. If from a climatic point of view and for people's health this long period of drought and good weather has created some problems, the downside is that for us bikers opportunities have opened up that are often closed to us. The possibility of taking the two wheels on peaks that we can usually see only in summer and to savor the winter mood where usually the snow covers everything. A tour in the high Piedmont, privileged balconies from which to observe the lakes and behind us and the ice that have made this land famous. Two peaks nearby. As the crow flies, one speaks to the other, but with the bike the commitment is not insignificant.

a glimpse of the Quarna Sotto bell tower, the starting point of the adventure

The departure of this adventure is from Quarna; as they say on these occasions, a charming village lying placidly on a small plateau 800 meters above sea level and kissed by the sun. The history of this village, or rather of these villages, is original. Two neighboring towns, Quarna above and Quarna below, a rivalry that was born at the dawn of time and which still prevents us from finding a minimum common denominator to unite the two municipalities. Quarna is famous for music, one of the most prestigious saxophone manufacturers is based here, the major international interpreters of jazz aspire to play one of the instruments that the Zolla family still produces today in an artisanal way, tailor-made pieces where experience and passion know how to create real jewels with an unmistakable sound.

the small church at Alpe Camasca

Ok, after a short journey he makes the streets of this country with an ancient flavor, where history made up of simple gestures permeates every wall, let's go back to our journey. The direction is towards Alpe Camasca, the last outpost of civilization. A mountain pasture sitting comfortably on a green meadow to observe Lake Orta. It is possible to reach it through the asphalted road, a steep tongue that in about half an hour takes us to the foot of the peaks to be explored, or through a path that crosses beech and chestnut woods.

towards Alpe Camasca



the summit of Monte Croce

No more chatter, let's immediately say clearly that we are talking about portage, the tough and intense one. There are about 600 meters of altitude that separate us from the summit, very steep sections, a passage on the north side where the glistening ice awaits us and an infinite meadow. You see the summit and you seem to have arrived, then you start to climb and the cross positioned at the top always seems to move a little further, a disheartening feeling, however, heartened by the views. The mountains degrade around us until they dive into the underlying Lake Orta while looking up the Rosa rises majestically and then the Lion, the Weissmeis and all 4000 Swiss. Here you feel small and at the same time you have the feeling of dominating everything, of embracing the landscape and the desire that this feeling never ends is strong. The snow is there, even if little, the strong wind and the cold temperature (we are still around 1700) reminds me of what was written in the last issue about clothing for winter, so windproof, on the hood and for luck the situation improves. These are my mountains, I have been coming here for a long time, but every time I go up I am surprised by the beauty of the place, for those who have seen the film The Name of the Rose taken from the book by Umberto Eco, the image resembles the hills of the center Italy that you see at the beginning of the film when the voiceover of a young Cristian Slater states 'having reached the end of the life of a sinner I am going to leave traces of wonderful episodes ...' Well, these places make strange affections! But back to us, as you will have understood the place to an intrinsic mystical charm, the silence, the solitude and the wide panoramas capture the spirit. But sooner or later you have to get off.

coming down from Monte Croce

The snow still present on the north face prevents me from taking what is the best descent, the most drivable and fun, so I have to start rolling down the valley from the steepest path. Here trial, moments of pure panic with the bike that grandmothers want to know to stop on the dry grass are combined with more fun sections, so if the classic descent to the north is a difficult but enjoyable walk, this time is anything but how easy it is to interpret, but the fascination of MTB is also getting out of the comfort zone and putting yourself to the test, possibly bringing home the leather. Mission accomplished.


the view from the summit

Scanning to go up. A lower peak, easily accessible but which gives equally enchanting views. Here the portage mixes with pedal strokes, two good legs, a trail bike and you go up by pedaling, or rather, you try. For those who embrace electricity, the speech is simpler. However, frightening glimpses, different points of view on the world that continues to move and agitate frenetically below us and the feeling of calm that had already welcomed us on the first peak. Time to admire the creation, take a 360 ° turn to fill the view of the good vibrations and then go down.

This is a nice enduro PS, so much so that the idea of ​​organizing an event on these slopes has been buzzing in my mind for a while… we'll see if there are the conditions to do it. Roots, steep stony ground, then pine forest, a return with a view as I have seen few, then pine forest, a long stretch where you can let the horses unleash and then pinetona and away towards the Casanova path: never was the name more appropriate. The great libertine and adventurer whose deeds are known thanks to books and films is best represented by this trail, persuasive and voluptuous in the initial part, with little slope and delicate harmonious curves I build the initial architecture, then it becomes fast and bizarre but always velvety thanks to the pine needles that make up the bottom.

a descent in pure enduro style… ideal for a race

A single track that lends itself to different variations, where everyone can freely interpret different trajectories. Just as the Venetian character bewitched his prey, so this stretch of wood knows how to capture the bikers who venture there. After this long dip between the senses, we return to Quarna, we pass near the sax factory to end the journey in the small square of the mountain village.

for info:

Marco Tagliaferri

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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