Let's answer the question straight away: positioned on the sliders, in the rear part of the legs, they have the task of "bleeding" the fork, i.e. releasing the air that could remain trapped inside the fork. Equalizes the pressure.
In the past, the most geeks inserted electrician's zip ties into the dust covers to "solve" this problem, but it could end up ruining the dust covers themselves.

The air that could remain trapped inside the fork decreases the travel. This air penetration can happen if we change altitude in a short time: we take a chairlift, we do a race at high altitude (e.g. Maxiavalanche) or other situations of this kind.

Little curiosity: the 2 giants Fox and SRAM have gone to court for this technology (patent war): it's not the first time. RockShox recently adopted this system on the new forks: a system that Fox was already using. The 2 big brands are still in litigation: Fox is asking for compensation for the economic damage due to the infringement of the patent.