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Val di Fassa is growing in mountain bike tourism, according to William Basilico

A territory where tourism development is tackled with business methods and with the help of professionals in every sector.

For years, William Basilico has been the promoter of two-wheeled tourism development in the Val di Fassa. Passionate rider, with tenacity and dedication he has managed to transform the Trentino area into a 'bike frendly' destination. This growth path has as its main event the organization of the Italian stage of theEnduro Word Series, considered by many of the experts one of the most beautiful of the whole circuit.

I reached him by phone to find out about future projects and discuss what has been done to date.

Hi William, tell us a little about this season, how did the news go and how do you judge the tourism growth of the valley?

Hi Marco, the season is going well, there are always many situations to manage but we are satisfied with how mountain bike tourism is developing in our valley. This year we are the tourism sector that has grown most in our territory, an aspect that rewards us for the great work we have done in these seasons. Surely this result, as well as the result of years of work, is due to the driving force we have had from the promotion made by the EWS. An event that has consolidated over the years, transforming us into a reference event for the movement.

What are the future projects?

Even if growth is sustained, it is necessary to always improve the offer and organization of our system. Since ours is an outdoor sport, it is subject to climate changes and in some cases a strong storm is enough to cause landslides that can make some areas unusable. For this reason we have formed a staff of full-time trai builders who are dedicated to the care of the tracks and carry out a discussion of sustainability of the works, in order to push more and more towards the green aspect of our sport.

What do you mean by green aspect?

Our choice, also accepted by the province of Trento, is to create structures that are perfectly integrated with the environment; trails that hide in nature, without overworked structures or invasive interventions on the territory. To create this type of experience we start from the choice of the areas to work on, taking into account the hydrogeological aspects and the impact that the passage of the riders could have on the ground. In this way we are able to offer customers a very natural experience, all without significantly impacting the ecosystem that hosts us. We have found this to be very popular with tourists.

One of the aspects with which all realities have to deal is that of civil liability and agreements with the tried (see the return of Pila closed this season, ed); how did you move in Val di Fassa?

First of all we must say that 90% of the land on which we operate is municipal property; this aspect makes things much easier for us. Then we founded a private company that manages the trails, managing to hire some guys with the qualification of trail builders. Finally, we have made an insurance for the assumption of civil liability for the official trails, in this way we are able to discharge individuals from any problem. By doing so, we were able to overcome a very widespread problem in Italy.

A few years ago I got to know the president of the apt, having the impression that tourism is treated by you as an industrial product, with design and planning, it is still like this

Yes, the situation is still like this. In the meantime, I too joined the board of the Tourist Promotion Company in order to better carry out the projects of the bike world. The situation has been better structured, now a company is being born that will take care of the event steps and that will have the task of supporting the different realities of the territory in the organization of international events. Helping us in identifying the best ways to raise funds and helping us manage the bureaucratic part.

We have on our staff a manager dedicated to the promotion and launch of the outdoors, a figure who is helping our district to improve its presentation, professionally evaluating the cost-benefit ratio of the various offers, thus allowing us to be more competitive with other locations. . These are aspects that apparently have little to do with the creation of a trail, but are essential for developing a tourism product.

Your reality proves once again ahead of the Italian panorama, you make me a little envious ...

Thank you, in fact there is a very fertile fabric here to start from. The awareness that tourism is a fundamental resource for our economy is a well-rooted ideal; there is no shortage of problems, but on the part of everyone there seems to be the desire to find a solution for the good of the territory.

Thanks for taking the time and hope to see you soon

Thanks to you, we will probably see you in Finale Ligure.

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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