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Face to face with William Basilico, EDR patron in Val di Fassa

From the first Italian Championship to today many things have changed and more will come. We talk about it with William (Willy) Basilico.


For several years Val di Fassa has embarked on a path of growth that is leading it to be increasingly a recognizable destination within the broad world of the outdoors.

The countdown to the start of the new season has begun Enduro World Cup, here the insights on the bikes of the riders and we wanted to hear from William Basilico, point of reference for the Trentino stage and federal sector manager, to get to know better what has changed with the official transfer to the UCI.

Hi Willy, how are you? How is the work going on for the stage of the EDR?
All good, thank you, work is going well. With the official transition toUCI responsibilities have increased and meetings with their managers have grown in number and meticulousness. Even from a communicative point of view, the transition to a higher level is perceived; there is greater attention to all aspects, the passages and referents with whom to deal with have increased. But this is the 'price' to pay if you want to grow as an event.

Isabeau Courdurier in Val di Fassa

In what spirit will you look back on Tasmania's first stops?
with a pinch of envy because I would have liked to be present on site; both to personally verify the organizational innovations, and to 'touch' those trails, voted as the best ever by a jury of insiders.

Some time ago you told me about the creation of a company for major events in Trentino. How useful is this appointment to you?
In fact, being able to count on a third-party structure that supports us from an organizational point of view is very important. Just to fully understand the terms of the contract we relied on a lawyer.

guala basil
Basilico with Enrico Guala at the time of the first Superenduro

In addition to being one of the contacts for Val di Fassa, you are also in charge of enduro for the FCI, how is it developing from a regulatory point of view? The official entry of UCI will certainly also lead to changes in terms of regulations.
Nothing changes for this season, a first project was born Coppa Italia which we are observing carefully. It is likely that a scheme similar to that of Cross Country will be adopted as early as 2024, with events that will award points to participate in the World Cup stages, but for now there are no clear directives. Another aspect on which we hope to be able to intervene is that of rallies and collegials. With the establishment of the rainbow jersey even the Federation has begun to look more closely at this movement. This could be a good opportunity to set up boarding schools for the youngest, to undertake a path of planning and approaching professional competitive spirit, useful for the growth of the movement

Every time we talk you always have something new to give me; what's cooking now?
We always try to evolve, expanding our offer and trying to improve the existing one. We are thinking of a new mobility project that will lead to better use of the half-altitude white roads, this is because the new regional directives prohibit carrying out new interventions in the high mountains. At the same time we are imagining the creation of an area with the characteristics of the Bike Stadium which is able to collect the arrival of more trails and therefore more special ones, to give more visibility to the events. It would certainly be an important element to characterize this sport even more.

From an organizational point of view, you are always one step ahead.
Now we just have to wait for the start of this season, noting the dates of the weekend 23-25 ​​June, with the promise to see us in person on your trails.

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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