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Workout - DOMS: this is what the pains of the next day depend on

What causes the pain in the muscles that we often feel the day after an intense activity?

Daniele Braidot Gaerne Trophy xc
Archive photo: Daniele Braidot, Gaerne Trophy 📸 @ alessiopederiva_photo

Even today, many think that the muscle aches that we often have after a weekend in the bike park or when I go to the gym they change the card are due to lactic acid.

It is a mistaken belief, these pains are due to DOMS, an acronym for Delayed on set muscle soreness.

What are the Doms?

They are dull pains in the muscles, which occur during stretching, contraction and palpation, that is always. Their onset usually occurs after 24 and can last up to 72 hours. The theories regarding the triggering causes are of two types:

The theory of microtraumas

Underlying this hypothesis is the theory of muscle damage; these ruptures would be borne by the Z line of the sarcomere, which, if injured, would interrupt the cross bridges of actin and myosin. Following these injuries, the pain receptors would send impulses to signal the damage and reduce the activity of the muscle to facilitate healing.

The enzyme efflux theory

A second explanation for these pains relates to enzymatic efflux. Calcium builds up in the muscles after microtrauma. Cellular respiration is then inhibited and ATP transport is also slowed down. These factors produce a series of chain reactions that lead to the onset of an inflammatory state caused by the accumulation of histamines, prostaglandins and potassium.

But lactic acid?

Lactic acid has nothing to do with the onset of DOMS. In the past it was thought that its production continued even after the end of the effort and the presence of the same in the muscles generated this type of pain. It is well established that this theory was wrong. The studies have definitively confirmed that the lactic acid produced during the efforts is disposed of within an hour from the end of the same, not being able to cause the doms.

In summary, we could say that the presence of doms depends on the microtraumas generated by physical activity.

When do they appear?

It has been seen that the exercises that develop them most are eccentric contractions, such as running downhill, while it has been seen that they appear less and with a shorter duration after isometric or concentric exercise.

DOMS appear more frequently during eccentric movements, such as running

Effetti collaterali

There do not appear to be any relevant side effects; the reduction of strength, muscle swelling and less elasticity that accompany an eccentric exercise are not to be related to the Doms, so we cannot speak of side effects related to them. 

How to prevent them

There are many techniques used to reduce doms; laboratory studies have shown that only some of these have real efficacy.

Power supply: the intake of protein foods in the hours following the performance of eccentric exercises is able to reduce the onset of DOMS. Studies have shown that high quality protein or milk intake is more effective than carbohydrate or fat intake. Milk chocolate has also proved to be an effective pain relief tool.

Branched chain amino acids: It has been verified in several studies that the administration of classic BCAAs can reduce the onset of these pains.

Caffeine: the intake of a quantity of caffeine comparable to the two cups of coffee in the space of 48 hours after the effort reduces their impact

Heating a good warm-up is essential to prepare the muscles for intense activity, so starting with low intensity exercises that simulate the gesture to be performed and with a mild aerobic activity is the best way to combat the onset of this symptomatology.

A work on the rollers can be a valid support before starting the training

Cool down: practicing medium-intensity aerobic activities over the next 24 hours improves recovery times. Through a study on three distinct groups, in which the first did aerobic activity of medium intensity, the second mild and the third did absolute rest; it was seen that the first group achieved a better recovery.

Mathieu van der Poel
Good aerobic exercise at medium intensity helps to reduce the effect of DOMS. Vad Der Poel training in Livigno

Do they help improve performance?

The topic is much debated, certainly for activities where muscle hypertrophy is sought the onset of these pains is seen as a goal to be pursued, for us cyclists they are often a nuisance because they limit, more from a mental point of view than from a performance one, our workouts for a few days.

however, we saw the same type of training that had created problems the first time, if administered the following week it had not generated the same impact, a sign that the body had implemented adaptation systems so that the stimulus that had put it in crisis the first time no longer generated the same problem


The classic 'meatballs' of the day after you have the resumption of gym activity, or after an intense day riding in bike parks they now have a name, they are called Doms and now we also know how to prevent or cure them.

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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