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Sport enters the Constitution: What are the advantages? What changes?

September 20, 2023 is a historic date for sport: sport enters the Italian constitution. The legislative process for the approval of constitutional bill no. has ended. 715-B.

The Chamber unanimously approved the amendment to the art. 33 of the Constitution introducing the new paragraph «The Republic recognizes the educational, social and psychophysical well-being value of sporting activity in all its forms». In the original text of the Constitution published in 1948, sporting activity therefore did not appear anywhere.

Sport in the Constitution represents the first stage of a journey that concentrates, in a few words, a profound meaning and an inestimable value, which we can summarize in the hope of 'sport for all and everyone', part of the indispensable 'social immune defenses' and important contribution to improving the quality of life of people and communities. We hope that this is the beginning of an expansion of the benefits of doing physical activity, of promoting the culture of movement, which in our country has never been fully guaranteed (just look at how the subject of physical education is considered in our country ).


"Inserting the explicit recognition of the educational value of sport into the Constitution means that from today onwards the State will not only have to regulate sporting activity, but will have to actively promote it, and therefore valorising sporting activity in schools, for example by hiring new teachers and educators in this area“, explained the constitutionalist Alfonso Celotto, professor of Constitutional Law at the Roma Tre University via the website.

Minister Abodi's speech in the Chamber

Now we must systematize European and national financial resources to ensure that sport is increasingly present in public policies.

Written by

[email protected] I am a fan of everything that has 2 wheels: at a young age I practiced road and track cycling (Italian Allievi champion). At the age of 18 I passed into the cross country competing at national/international level as an Under23. Past Elite, I made the choice to take things more lightly from a training point of view, and my love for gravity disciplines was born, training me as an FCI MTB instructor and guide. Now I have made passion my profession by managing 2 MTB centers on the island of Elba (Bike Center Elba and Elba MTB), creating the FANTAmtb and telling in an ironic but professional way everything that revolves around MTB thanks to 365mountainbike and 365TV (YouTube'PULITI dentro BIKER fuori').


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