The life of a battery in an e-bike, a problem that for most users does not exist: if you use quality batteries and brands. Electric bicycles are equipped with lithium-ion batteries and, according to the manufacturers, there is talk of an average decline of 5% per year with a noticeable deterioration (around 50%) between 500 and 1000 complete charging cycles. A mileage estimate means between 20.000km and 30.000km. The range is so high because it depends a lot on the conditions in which the battery is held (and used): a battery used in Turbo mode deteriorates much sooner than a battery used in Eco. This should make you understand that the batteries, if they have no problems and are well maintained, have a very long life and let's go back to my first statement, namely “The life of a battery in an e-bike, a problem that doesn't exist”.

Why do I say this? Let's say you do 2 rides a week where you consume 50% of the battery and recharge as soon as the ride is finished. So full charge cycles are 1 per week. In a year there are 52 weeks and therefore it means that in 5 years you will recharge your e-bike 260 times. In today's society, you will change 4 bikes before changing a battery because it is dead. Then if we go to evaluate the fact of a user who only goes out on Sunday we understand that it is a non-existent problem or, to be precise, non-existent if established brands are used and not batteries of dubious origin. All these speeches of mine concern a user who uses e-bikes for sporting / recreational use.
To understand how much a battery is “worn out”, especially on used bikes, contact the shopkeepers equipped with diagnostic tools for the specific brand of battery that we want to analyze.