A pedal assisted bicycle - or e-bike or Electric Pedal Assisted Cycle (EPAC) - is a “traditional” bike on which we find an electric motor that is activated with our pedaling. Such bikes, to be in good standing, are limited to 25 km / h.
It is precisely for this function that the denomination "assisted pedaling" comes. In summary, the e-bike is a normal vehicle that helps those who pedal in their effort, making them go faster. But it still requires you to exercise movement and put muscle strength on the pedals.
Is it possible to unlock it?
Yes, it is possible but it becomes to all intents and purposes a Speed Pedelec, and no longer pedal assisted (see below). And it comes into play too an insurance and license plate speech. Polini, for example, has created a cable that Easily unlock some e-bike models.
What is an electric bike?
The purely electric bicycle, also called Speed Pedelec, is equipped with an electric motor with variable power. The engine allows you to reach a maximum speed between 25 km / h and 45 km / h, depending on the model. It is a real moped, albeit small in size. In this case, therefore, there is no relationship between pedaling and motor. It is not necessary to pedal to move. The acceleration system is operated through a lever, usually located on the handlebar.

In summary, it is not really a bicycle but an electric motor and as such it is also framed at a regulatory level. The Highway Code, in fact, places electric bikes in the L1eB category, the same as mopeds. As with other self-driving vehicles, registration, homologation, license plate, license and insurance are therefore required to drive an electric bicycle. It is then mandatory to wear a helmet to circulate. Finally, the electric bike must be equipped with a rear-view mirror and position lights.
In the end, call it as you see fit, this difference that we have described is only pure technicality: in the environment it is called an electric bike while the “Speed pedelec” version is not even considered.