Have you heard of Sant'Antioco yet? In recent times, Pippo Marani brought the e-day race and this year too it was there a 2 day pure MTB party: Saturday e-bike race and Sunday granfondo. Exceptional presences such as Paola Pezzo, Mirko Pirazzoli, Bruno Zanchi and Marco Melandri. But Team i 2 Leoni (local association of Sant'Antioco) has been thinking about transforming the entire island into a sports island, suitable for trekking and biking, for a while now.
Going deeper into the cycling project, the idea, which is already more than an idea, is to offer a place where mountain bikers and road cyclists can find always clean routes, assistance, hospitality and safety. Practicing your passion, or profession, exploring an incredible territory. A true natural bike park with the advantage that here you are immersed in an area of rare beauty.
Here you can practice your passion or profession by exploring an incredible territory that offers eye-popping views and endless skies! Here in Sant'Antioco anyone can find their own dimension with routes suitable for all legs, lungs and abilities. The island offers coastal excursions with beautiful views of the sea, hills where you can venture into the Mediterranean scrub, small villages to discover, nuraghi and towers that appear almost everywhere – The 2 Lions
The beauty of this place is that the adventure is not guaranteed by motorized vehicles as many places can only be reached on foot or by bicycle. In the photos you can see the first route that is presented, namely Il Semaforo. 42km x 900m of total altitude difference, almost entirely unpaved, suitable for anyone apart from a stretch of around 500m, with a gradient of 18%, which can put the legs of less trained 'muscular' people into difficulty. The entire route can be covered in approximately 2 and a half hours.
Departure from Sant'Antioco town and arrival at the traffic light at 200m above sea level with a postcard panorama. For today we'll stop here and leave room for the images.
For any information and curiosities about Sant'Antioco, you can consult the official page of our 'Bike Island' and spread the word: we are waiting for you!