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Italian Enduro MTB: in the competitive spirit it is time to take stock

The international season ends with the Enduro of the Nations of the Final. It is time to make an analysis of the tricolor competitive situation

Sophie Riva podium
Sophie Riva wins in the U21

The spotlight on the international enduro season has recently gone out, as is customary it is time to do an analysis of the health of the movement, seen from a purely competitive point of view.

UPDATE: Marco Tagliaferri's clarifications ->COMPLETE ITEM

Pink is the dominant color

As also in DH, in enduro the best results are coming from girls. Sophie Riva and Gloria Scarsi managed to collect excellent results in the World Cup, also confirmed at the Trophy of Nations, where the lady under reached the third place, while the elite women finished in fourth position.

Glory Scarce Canyon Enduro
Gloria Scarsi EWS Petzen Jamnica 2022

It would be nice to be able to see Gaia Tormena in some EWS test, since we think that the current Italian specialty champion, as well as world champion xce he could certainly have his say in this context as well.

Gaia Tormena Enduro
Gaia Tormena

Is enduro still a male sport?

Looking at the results of the Azzurri, one could say no. But it is not only the placings that cause concern, it is above all the number of Italian athletes at the start of the various stages of the ews to signal a moment of crisis in the system.

Less and less and more and more distant from the leading positions, our boys seem to have lost the desire to get involved in the competitions that really matter.

If we then broaden the objective and take into consideration the youth categories, we see that this year we have not had any under in ews. Bad sign even in the future.

A movement to be refounded

Two years ago, in the face of the disappearance of the Superenduro circuit, I had written about the opportunity that was opening up for our boys. One of the criticisms that often came was linked precisely to the fact that for many Italians the internal trophy was more important than that of the news. With the end of the first, the possibility opened up for some to focus all attention on international competitions, a factor that could have allowed that leap in quality that we needed.

Unfortunately this was not the case and, two years later, we are in a position to have few decent athletes and no youngsters.

So the first step to take is to reconstitute an Italian Cup that gives the most motivated kids the opportunity to have valid appointments that can give the right stimuli and that help to grow a movement that makes large numbers among amateurs but few valid athletes. .

livigno red bull wide open track
A lot of work is needed to reconstruct a competitive fabric

The theme traced

It is a recurring theme, which clashes with various problems that should be analyzed. International races are increasingly technical: our circuits should therefore conform to these, thus raising the bar and pushing the boys to train better and on more complicated tracks.

This factor could collide with three problems:

1) with more difficult tracks many amateurs would find themselves in difficulty, probably giving up competing in the most important competitions and thus lowering the numbers of runners, the real engine of many organizations

2) more technical tracks can lead to a greater assumption of responsibility by the organizers and our legislation does not help in this sense,

3) a valid track for Francardo, probably not for most of the rookies, thus creating a stumbling block that could lead to the premature abandonment of many kids.

jesse melamed enduro ews loudenvielle
International tracks are increasingly selective

How to fix the tangle?

Nobody has a magic wand and comparing the enduro situation to that of DH it would seem that our country is not able to give the necessary push to the growth of the movement. However, some reflections can be made, perhaps taking inspiration from Cross Country, which as we wrote, it seems to work very well.

International example of Italy xco

Let's start from the top, imagining that the Italian Cup tries to resemble what, for example, are the internationals of Italy. An event with a track dedicated to the elite designed as a test bed for the best performers. So an Italian Cup where the tracks, both in terms of length, height difference and difficulty, are able to enhance the qualities of the most trained riders.

A circuit for the very young

I know the difficulties in organizing events, but speaking of strategies and relaunch projects, it is clear that, just as in Cross Country where beginners and students have their own dedicated races, it would be appropriate to think of a similar project also in Enduro; because, as written above, a training course for Francardo or Vendemmia is probably too demanding for a thirteen-year-old, just as it is unthinkable for a young girl who is a beginner to compete on a track designed for Martina Berta. I realize that it is not always easy to put into practice, but one could think that these categories can only compete in regional races, where the tracks will certainly be more accessible, then imagining a comparison on an Italian championship dedicated to them

Chicks sector

I have heard some criticisms towards the G categories. I instead believe that it would be appropriate to imagine making a path suitable for the little ones also in enduro, with mini enduro competitions that bring the kids closer to the competitive aspects. The difficulty could be in calibrating the right balance between playful and competitive aspects, but even in this case it seems that the Cross country experience works globally and comes to our aid.

A provocation? More professionalism in the environment

I like the enduro environment, but if I look at it with a competitive eye I see a sector that is too amateur, even among the most gifted guys. Like the DH and the XCO, the international enduro is highly specialized; the boys have fun, but the competitiveness is high and the approach to the races is very professional. They must be taught to have a determined approach, which is sometimes lacking.

As long as this discipline will be seen as the fallback sport for those who think they can train little, it will remain a good circus; fun and relaxed, but from the competitive point of view marginal compared to world trends.

Some may say that this is fine, but I believe that the two worlds can coexist. There may be regional competitions dedicated to weekend warriors and high profile competitions designed to grow a competitive movement; which also means job opportunities for young people and for a fabric that revolves around this world.

We hope that with 2023 there will be interesting news around this environment and that at the end of the 2023 season we can write about a movement that has embarked on a path of growth in numbers and above all in results.

UPDATE: Marco Tagliaferri's clarifications -> COMPLETE ITEM

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


AB Santa Cruz Vittoria Gravity Team is born with Mirco Vendemmia

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