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5 questions to Jesse Melamed | Enduro top rider

Jesse Melamed is one of the strongest interpreters of the world enduro, winner of the absolute in 2020 and third in the last season, he manages to be competitive on all types of tracks.

After the presentation of the Team Rocky Mountain video you find HERE, let's get to know the strong Canadian rider better.

Source: Enduro Word Series

Let's start with your story, what is your earliest memory of mountain biking?

It is a memory of a trip with my family to Moab in the United States, for a short time I was stuck in a daycare and when my parents finally took me for a bike ride I was super excited and didn't want to. more stop me  

Which stage of the EWS do you prefer and why?

Honestly there are too many to choose from because each has something different. The beach and atmosphere of Finale Ligure are incredible, the length and caliber of the trails in La Thuile, the crowds in South America. I think the great thing about EWS is that we go to so many places that each offer their own exceptional quality.

Name one thing you do every day to improve your performance on the bike.

Reassess if what I'm doing will make me faster for racing.

Besides driving, what's your favorite thing to do when you're not exercising?

I love the post-season break for the sole reason that I don't think about training or performing every day. Enjoying a night out with friends is always fun during that time.

Name one thing you learned last season (2021).

Everyone has different driving styles and you need to find yours.

Written by

[email protected] Mountain bike travel editor and expert. Chiropractor and personal trainer, for years following some of the strongest national interpreters of enduro mtb.


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