After having had the opportunity to test their line dedicated to rain, of which you find HERE the report, and while waiting to conclude the one for the summer line, we asked the Oberalp staff, who handle the distribution of the brand for Italy, for some more information.
Reading the name of the brand the most immediate question is, why 2117 of Sweden? Where did it come from?
The name 2117 of Sweden refers to the height of Sweden's highest mountain, Kebnekaise. In 2003 the meters were precisely 2117 meters above sea level, which are now decreasing due to the general increase in temperatures, a phenomenon in turn linked to global warming, which determines their melting. This phenomenon keeps the brand focused on finding eco-sustainable measures to safeguard the environment and man.
2117 of Sweden is proud to be, since its origins, a Swedish brand, and you can see this in its clean and minimalist Scandinavian design, combined with a very sustainable approach. The main objective that the brand sets itself, day after day, is to break certain clichés, for example that sustainable products cannot perform, that quality is always synonymous with excessive prices, or that design and functionality cannot go hand in hand.
For you, sustainability is a very strong value, as can be seen from the fact that many of your products are made with recycled materials; How difficult is it to maintain high quality at low prices by combining it with this philosophy?
The brand's eco-sustainable approach is transversal across the entire collection and across all segments. A constantly evolving process, in step with the technological innovation of the market, the same which allows us to implement new technologies and materials every year. The brand was born with the ideal of providing economical products at a fair and accessible price, guaranteeing their quality and functionality, always respecting nature
Quality is always guaranteed, first of all, by remaining faithful to oneself and, secondly, by working hard on the selection and relationship with certified suppliers: the latter must demonstrate the same sharing of values with the brand, the same attention to the production method and the approach to subjects. Furthermore, the "challenging" requests towards suppliers are of great importance, always raising the bar.
What is your work background before this experience?
2117 of Sweden is part of the brand portfolio of the company “Wänerstedt AB”, a family business that has been active in the fashion industry for several generations. The brand has grown rapidly, and today is distributed in 18 countries on 4 continents.
From your presentation it is clear that skiing is your main passion, the one that started everything. Where does the development of garments dedicated to other outdoor activities come from? Are you also a biker? Anyone play golf?
Not just skiing, actually. The idea behind the genesis of the brand is to create products that are suitable for the outdoors as open air and, therefore, to provide the market with highly performing garments not only for specific sporting activities, but also for everyday life. Just consider that in Sweden they use these garments to go to school or work, in short in everyday life, having to deal with a specific climate which requires technologies that protect them from wind and rain, as well as from cold: this highlights the extreme versatility of the brand, which guarantees excellent performance on every occasion.
The company is certainly made up of people who love sport but who, above all, use and test products specifically for their life target, in this sense they reflect their everyday life, starting from their experience, and applying it to the garments designed by 2117 of Sweden .
Where does the development of a new product start? Design first or technical and usage needs?
They go hand in hand, and in this sense the values speak clearly: responding to a specific need and a need for use. This always goes in parallel, and at the same speed, with the need to find materials and technologies that respond to our requests for sustainability, transversality, protection of nature. Naturally, 2117 of Sweden's products also evolve with the evolution of technologies and innovation, inherent in the new materials and components used.
I saw that no testimonials appear on the site, is this a precise company choice or have you not yet found who could best embody your philosophy?
As already mentioned, the brand is relatively young and constantly evolving. Furthermore, the initial investment interest focuses more on the product and the implementation of innovative technologies that are always in step with the times.
The search for Ambassadors is certainly one of the company's future objectives, as long as they respect the identity of 2117 of Sweden, not only in terms of sporting activity but, above all, of daily practice.
Bike trips are experiencing a moment of rediscovery, very compact materials are needed to do them, are you thinking of designing a tent dedicated to that world?
Certainly, as regards the capsule bike, the items present increasingly greater numbers, as can also be seen from the SS24 collection. The prospect is to continue in this direction, trying to broaden the range and the proposal, given the constantly evolving segment, which gives rise to a need to which we intend to respond effectively.
Many bike clothing brands also have dedicated footwear and helmets in their catalogue, are you thinking about it?
2117 of Sweden, specifically, remains focused on what it creates and is today: a sustainable, cutting-edge and accessible clothing brand. The support of brands of excellence, similar and complementary for the sport covered but not for the product sector, is a prerogative of Oberalp. The company, a Brand Builder with undisputed experience, distributes premium brands, creating strong synergies and collector hubs specialized in certain areas and disciplines, for both the summer and winter seasons. This is the case of Smith – which supports clothing with helmets, masks and glasses for both snow and cycling, of FALKE ESS – with technical underwear and very high performance sports socks, specialized in multiple disciplines and for every season.
In short, Oberalp stands out as a true solution provider that presents itself on the market with a complete basket of brands - and which complement each other, of which 2117 of Sweden is part and actively contributes.